Comparison of VMware vCenter Configuration Maximums

Comparing  VMware vCenter Configuration Maximums:

In continuation with my previous blog “VMware Virtual Machine and ESXi Maximums” lets take a look at the comparison of VMware vCenter Maximum supported configurations, where I have included the most recent versions of vCenter Server, 5.5, 6.0 and 6.5. vCenter Configuration Maximums values are fully tested and validated by VMware.

VMware vCenter Configuration Maximums:

This table shows the maximum supported values of vCenter Server scalability, User interface, vMotion, Content Library, Host Profile, Storage DRS and Platform Services Controller.

vCenter parametersvCenter Server 5.5vCenter Server 6.0vCenter Server 6.5
vCenter Server Scalability
Hosts per vCenter Server100010002000
Powered-on virtual machines10,00010,00025,000
Registered virtual machines15,00015,00035,000
Linked vCenter Servers101015
Hosts in linked vCenter Servers300040005000
Powered-on VMs in linked VC30,00030,00050,000
Registered VMs in linked VC50,00050,00070,000
Number of host per datacenter5005002000
MAC addresses per vCenter Server 65,53665,53665,536
Concurrent Web Clients connections180180180
vMotion operations per host (1 Gb/s)444
vMotion ops per host (10 Gb/s)888
vMotion operations per datastore128128128
Storage vMotion operations per host222
Storage vMotion ops/datastore888
Content Library
Total CL items per vCenter-2002000
Total number of libraries per VC-201000
Total items per library-2001000
Host Profile
Profile created-1200500
Profile attached-1000500
Storage DRS
Virtual disks per datastore cluster900090009000
Datastores per datastore cluster646464
Datastore clusters per vCenter256256256
Platform Services Controller
PSCs per vSphere Domain810
Objects per vSphere Domain1,000,0001,000,000
Active Directory or OpenLDAP Groups per
Cluster and Resource Pool Maximums:

The Cluster and Resource Pool table represents the comparison of various limits of Cluster and Resource Pool parameters in different versions of vSphere.

Cluster and Resource Pool ParametersvSphere 5.5vSphere 6.0vSphere 6.5
Hosts per cluster326464
Virtual Machines per cluster400080008000
Resource pools per cluster160016001600
Resource pools per host160016001600
Children per resource pool102411001100
Resource pool tree depth888
Fault Tolerance Maximums:

Comparison of Fault Tolerance or FT configuration maximums can be found here:

Fault Tolerance parametersvSphere 5.5vSphere 6.0vSphere 6.5
vCPUs per FT VM144
RAM per FT VM64GB64 GB64 GB
Virtual disks161616
FT Virtual Machine per host444
Virtual CPU per host-88
FT Virtual Machines per cluster-9898
FT Virtual Machines vCPU per Cluster-256256
Networking Maximums:

Virtual Switches like vSphere Standerd Switch (VSS) and vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) configuration maximum information is given below:

vSphere Networking ParametersvCenter Server 5.5vCenter Server 6.0vCenter Server 6.5
Distributed switches per vCenter128128128
Hosts per Distributed Switch (VDS)100010002000
Ports per distributed switch60,00060,00060,000
Ephemeral port groups per vCenter101610161016
NIOC resource pools per vDS646464
LACP - LAGs per host646464
LACP - uplink ports per LAG (Team)323232
Static/Dynamic port groups per VDS650010,00010,000
Static/dynamic port groups per vCenter10,00010,00010,000

Reference: VMware vSphere Configuration Maximums

In my next blog, I will share the comparison of vSAN Storage and vCloud Director’s configuration maximum. If you are looking for VMware Virtual Machine and ESXi Maximums, Please check my previous blog.

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